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Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Insurance in Tampa, FL

Professional employer organizations (PEOs) offer comprehensive HR solutions for businesses, including payroll, benefits and compliance assistance. One critical service PEOs offer is insurance, which can benefit small and medium-sized businesses.

What Is PEO Insurance? person using laptop computer beside aloe vera

PEO insurance refers to the suite of insurance products a PEO offers to its client companies. This typically includes health insurance, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance and other employee benefits. By combining the workforces of various client companies, PEOs can obtain more favorable rates and coverage options than what individual businesses might achieve independently.

Benefits of PEO Insurance

The following are the benefits of PEO coverage:

  • Cost savings—PEOs leverage their larger employee base to obtain more competitive insurance rates. This can lead to significant cost savings for small businesses that might otherwise face higher premiums.
  • Well-rounded coverage—PEOs offer a range of insurance products, helping to ensure that businesses have access to comprehensive coverage options. This may include health, dental, vision and life insurance, among others.
  • Administrative relief—Managing insurance can be complex and time-consuming. PEOs handle the administrative tasks associated with insurance, such as enrollment, claims processing and compliance with regulations, freeing up business owners to focus on core operations.
  • Compliance assistance—PEOs stay up to date with the latest regulations and help ensure that their clients remain compliant with state and federal laws. This reduces the risk of penalties and fines associated with noncompliance.

How to Choose a PEO

When selecting a PEO, businesses should consider factors such as the range of insurance products offered, the PEO’s reputation and the level of customer service provided. It’s also essential to review the PEO’s financial stability and the terms of the service agreement.

Learn More

PEO coverage can be a valuable resource for businesses looking to offer quality benefits to their employees while managing costs and administrative burdens. Contact Clearwater Partners to learn more.

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